Haskell 98 Grammar

Top level symbols:

1 Lexical Syntax
program ::= 2.2 9.2
lexeme ::= 2.2 9.2
qvarid | qconid | qvarsym | qconsym | literal | special | reservedop | reservedid
literal ::= 2.2 9.2
integer | float | char | string
special ::= 2.2 9.2
( | ) | , | ; | [ | ] | ` | { | }
whitespace ::= 2.2 9.2
whitestuff ::= 2.2 9.2
whitechar | comment | ncomment
whitechar ::= 2.2 9.2
newline | vertab | space | tab | uniWhite
newline ::= 2.2 9.2
return ::= 2.2 9.2
linefeed ::= 2.2 9.2
vertab ::= 2.2 9.2
formfeed ::= 2.2 9.2
space ::= 2.2 9.2
tab ::= 2.2 9.2
uniWhite ::= 2.2 9.2
comment ::= 2.2 9.2
dashes ( any except symbol ( any )* )? newline
dashes ::= 2.2 9.2
-- ( - )*
opencom ::= 2.2 9.2
closecom ::= 2.2 9.2
ncomment ::= 2.2 9.2
ANYseq ::= 2.2 9.2
( ANY )* except ( ( ANY )* ( opencom | closecom ) ( ANY )* )
ANY ::= 2.2 9.2
graphic | whitechar
any ::= 2.2 9.2
graphic | space | tab
graphic ::= 2.2 9.2
small | large | symbol | digit | special | : | " | '
small ::= 2.2 9.2
ascSmall | uniSmall | _
ascSmall ::= 2.2 9.2
a | b | ... | z
uniSmall ::= 2.2 9.2
large ::= 2.2 9.2
ascLarge | uniLarge
ascLarge ::= 2.2 9.2
A | B | ... | Z
uniLarge ::= 2.2 9.2
symbol ::= 2.2 9.2
uniSymbol except ( special | _ | : | " | ' )
ascSymbol ::= 2.2 9.2
! | # | $ | % | & | * | + | . | / | < | = | > | ? | @ | \ | ^ | | | - | ~
uniSymbol ::= 2.2 9.2
digit ::= 2.2 9.2
ascDigit | uniDigit
ascDigit ::= 2.2 9.2
0 | 1 | ... | 9
uniDigit ::= 2.2 9.2
octit ::= 2.2 9.2
0 | 1 | ... | 7
hexit ::= 2.2 9.2
digit | A | ... | F | a | ... | f
varid ::= 2.4 9.2
( small ( small | large | digit | ' )* ) except reservedid
conid ::= 2.4 9.2
large ( small | large | digit | ' )*
reservedid ::= 2.4 9.2
case | class | data | default | deriving | do | else | if | import | in | infix | infixl | infixr | instance | let | module | newtype | of | then | type | where | _
varsym ::= 2.4 9.2
( symbol ( symbol | : )* ) except ( reservedop | dashes )
consym ::= 2.4 9.2
( : ( symbol | : )* ) except reservedop
reservedop ::= 2.4 9.2
.. | : | :: | = | \ | | | <- | -> | @ | ~ | =>
tyvar ::= 2.4 4.1.3 9.2
tycon ::= 2.4 9.2
tycls ::= 2.4 4.1.3 9.2
modid ::= 2.4 5.1 9.2
qvarid ::= 2.4 9.2
( modid . )? varid
qconid ::= 2.4 9.2
( modid . )? conid
qtycon ::= 2.4 9.2
( modid . )? tycon
qtycls ::= 2.4 4.1.3 9.2
( modid . )? tycls
qvarsym ::= 2.4 9.2
( modid . )? varsym
qconsym ::= 2.4 9.2
( modid . )? consym
decimal ::= 2.5 9.2
digit ( digit )*
octal ::= 2.5 9.2
octit ( octit )*
hexadecimal ::= 2.5 9.2
hexit ( hexit )*
integer ::= 2.5 9.2
0o octal
0O octal
float ::= 2.5 9.2
exponent ::= 2.5 9.2
( e | E ) ( + | - )? decimal
char ::= 2.6 9.2
' ( graphic except ( ' | \ ) | space | escape except \& ) '
string ::= 2.6 9.2
" ( graphic except ( " | \ ) | space | escape | gap )* "
escape ::= 2.6 9.2
charesc ::= 2.6 9.2
a | b | f | n | r | t | v | \ | " | ' | &
ascii ::= 2.6 9.2
cntrl | NUL | SOH | STX | ETX | EOT | ENQ | ACK | BEL | BS | HT | LF | VT | FF | CR | SO | SI | DLE | DC1 | DC2 | DC3 | DC4 | NAK | SYN | ETB | CAN | EM | SUB | ESC | FS | GS | RS | US | SP | DEL
cntrl ::= 2.6 9.2
^ ( ascLarge | @ | [ | \ | ] | ^ | _ )
gap ::= 2.6 9.2
2 Context Free Syntax
module ::= 4 5.1 9.5
module modid ( exports )? where body
body ::= 4 5.1 9.5
impdecls ::= 5.1 9.5
exports ::= 5.2 9.5
( ( export ( , export )* )? ( , )? )
export ::= 5.2 9.5
qtycon ( (..) | ( ( cname ( , cname )* )? ) )?
qtycls ( (..) | ( ( qvar ( , qvar )* )? ) )?
module modid
impdecl ::= 5.3 9.5
import ( qualified )? modid ( as modid )? ( impspec )?
impspec ::= 5.3 9.5
( ( import ( , import )* ( , )? )? )
hiding ( ( import ( , import )* ( , )? )? )
import ::= 5.3 9.5
tycon ( (..) | ( ( cname ( , cname )* )? ) )?
tycls ( (..) | ( ( var ( , var )* )? ) )?
cname ::= 5.2 5.3 9.5
var | con
topdecls ::= 4 5.1 9.5
( topdecl ( ; topdecl )* )?
topdecl ::= 4 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.4 9.5
data ( context => )? simpletype = constrs ( deriving )?
newtype ( context => )? simpletype = newconstr ( deriving )?
class ( scontext => )? tycls tyvar ( where cdecls )?
instance ( scontext => )? qtycls inst ( where idecls )?
default ( ( type ( , type )* )? )
decls ::= 4 9.5
{ ( decl ( ; decl )* )? }
decl ::= 4 4.4.3 9.5 11.1 11.2
cdecls ::= 4 4.3.1 9.5
{ ( cdecl ( ; cdecl )* )? }
cdecl ::= 4 4.3.1 9.5
( funlhs | var ) rhs
idecls ::= 4 4.3.2 9.5
{ ( idecl ( ; idecl )* )? }
idecl ::= 4 4.3.2 9.5
( funlhs | var ) rhs
gendecl ::= 4 4.4.1 4.4.2 9.5
vars :: ( context => )? type
ops ::= 4 4.4.2 9.5
op ( , op )*
vars ::= 4 4.4.1 9.5
var ( , var )*
fixity ::= 4 4.4.2 9.5
infixl | infixr | infix
type ::= 4.1.2 9.5
btype ( -> type )?
btype ::= 4.1.2 9.5
( btype )? atype
atype ::= 4.1.2 9.5
( type ( , type )+ )
[ type ]
( type )
gtycon ::= 4.1.2 9.5
( )
[ ]
( -> )
( , ( , )* )
context ::= 4.1.3 9.5
( ( class ( , class )* )? )
class ::= 4.1.3 9.5
qtycls ( tyvar ( atype )+ )
scontext ::= 4.3.1 9.5
( ( simpleclass ( , simpleclass )* )? )
simpleclass ::= 4.3.1 9.5
simpletype ::= 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 9.5
tycon ( tyvar )*
constrs ::= 4.2.1 9.5
constr ( | constr )*
constr ::= 4.2.1 9.5
con ( ( ! )? atype )*
( btype | ! atype ) conop ( btype | ! atype )
con { ( fielddecl ( , fielddecl )* )? }
newconstr ::= 4.2.3 9.5
con { var :: type }
fielddecl ::= 4.2.1 9.5
vars :: ( type | ! atype )
deriving ::= 4.2.1 9.5
deriving ( dclass | ( ( dclass ( , dclass )* )? ) )
dclass ::= 4.2.1 9.5
inst ::= 4.3.2 9.5
( gtycon ( tyvar )* )
( tyvar ( , tyvar )+ )
( tyvar )?
( tyvar -> tyvar )
funlhs ::= 4.4.3 9.5
var apat ( apat )*
( funlhs ) apat ( apat )*
rhs ::= 4.4.3 9.5
= exp ( where decls )?
gdrhs ( where decls )?
gdrhs ::= 4.4.3 9.5
gd = exp ( gdrhs )?
gd ::= 3.13 4.4.3 9.5
exp ::= 3 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.16 9.5
exp_i :: ( context => )? type
exp_i a ::=
exp_10 ::=
\ ( apat )+ -> exp
let decls in exp
if exp then exp else exp
case exp of { alts }
do { stmts }
fexp ::= 3 3.3 9.5
( fexp )? aexp
aexp ::= 3 3.2 3.5 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.15.1 3.15.2 3.15.3 9.1 9.5
( exp )
( exp ( , exp )+ )
[ exp ( , exp )* ]
[ exp ( , exp )? .. ( exp )? ]
[ exp | qual ( , qual )* ]
( exp_i a qop )
( qop exp_i a )
qcon { ( fbind ( , fbind )* )? }
aexp { fbind ( , fbind )* }
qual ::= 3.11 9.5
pat <- exp
let decls
alts ::= 3.13 9.5
( alt ( ; alt )* )?
alt ::= 3.13 9.5
pat -> exp ( where decls )?
pat gdpat ( where decls )?
gdpat ::= 3.13 9.5
gd -> exp ( gdpat )?
stmts ::= 3.14 9.5
( stmt )* exp ( ; )?
stmt ::= 3.14 9.5
exp ;
pat <- exp ;
let decls ;
fbind ::= 3.15.2 9.5
pat ::= 3.13 3.17.1 9.5
pat_i b ::=
- ( integer | float )
pat_10 ::=
gcon ( apat )+
apat ::= 3.17.1 9.5
var ( @ apat )?
qcon { ( fpat ( , fpat )* )? }
( pat )
( pat ( , pat )+ )
[ pat ( , pat )* ]
~ apat
fpat ::= 3.17.1 9.5
gcon ::= 3.2 3.7 3.9 9.5
( )
[ ]
( , ( , )* )
var ::= 3.2 9.5
( varsym )
qvar ::= 3.2 9.5
( qvarsym )
con ::= 3.2 9.5
( consym )
qcon ::= 3.2 3.7 3.8 9.5
( gconsym )
varop ::= 3.2 9.5
` varid `
qvarop ::= 3.2 9.5
` qvarid `
conop ::= 3.2 9.5
` conid `
qconop ::= 3.2 3.7 9.5
` qconid `
op ::= 3.2 4.4.2 9.5
varop | conop
qop ::= 3.2 3.4 3.7 9.5
qvarop | qconop
gconsym ::= 3.2 3.7 9.5
: | qconsym

a) Shift-reduce conflicts are resolved based on operator precedence and associativity. Unary minus has precedence 6. When an operator is generating a function (one of the arguments is not supplied) then it must have such precedence and associativity so that it would be executed as the last one if the missing argument would be supplied.
b) Shift-reduce conflicts are resolved based on operator precedence and associativity. Negating a literal has precedence 6.

This DHTML application was created based on data in Haskel 98 Report by Peter Hercek. Enjoy.

Copyright 2002, 2003, 2007 Peter Hercek, All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You can receive a copy of the GNU General Public License here.

















































